Energy demand flexibility, the key to energy optimisation

demanda energética

Energy demand flexibility emerges as an essential tool for optimising energy consumption and adapting to an environment increasingly dependent on renewable energy.   

Efficient energy management is one of the challenges faced by many companies when it comes to reducing costs and, at the same time, minimising their environmental impact.  

That is why, in this article, Energía Local will explain what demand flexibility is, its importance, the benefits it brings to companies and how we can help you implement it through our collaboration with Bamboo Energy. 

A closer look at energy demand flexibility  

Demand flexibility refers to the ability of energy consumers to adjust and adapt their electricity consumption in response to external factors such as increases or decreases in energy prices or the availability of renewable energy.  

This is in contrast to a system of fixed consumption patterns that do not vary according to the needs of individual businesses, their electricity system requirements or their ability to save.   

By monitoring and controlling energy consumption in real time, organisations can adjust their demand based on variable criteria.   

The importance of energy demand flexibility  

With the boom in renewable energies, especially photovoltaic, electricity market prices have increased considerably in volatility, directly impacting the price differentials that occur during different hours of the day.  

In this context, demand flexibility is particularly important as it allows these price differentials to be captured, resulting in economic savings for the consumer. It also contributes to the challenge of providing stability to the electricity grid, which can additionally obtain income from participation in the balancing markets, which are responsible for balancing generation and demand at all times. 

What are the benefits?  

There are a number of benefits to integrating energy flexibility into your business:  

  • Reduced energy costs  

Adjusting energy consumption to market signals allows companies to optimise their costs by shifting, as far as possible, consumption from expensive hours to lower-priced hours. 

  • Improved resilience and operational efficiency  

Demand flexibility helps companies avoid peak demand, reduce their reliance on non-renewable energy sources during periods of high demand and, most importantly, ensure the stability of their operations.  

  • Increasing the use of renewable energy  

Companies that choose demand response can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, minimise their carbon footprint and improve their environmental impact. 


We integrate demand flexibility into our client base, hand in hand with Bamboo Energy 

At Energía Local we are consultants specialising in energy and sustainability. Providing tailor-made solutions for each client is one of our main tasks. This is why we have been working with Bamboo Energy since January 2024, as a step towards a more sustainable and efficient future in energy management.  

This collaboration with a pioneer in the development of energy management software allows us to carry out a customised assessment to determine the potential for demand flexibility and how it should be implemented.  

From manufacturing plants to commercial office buildings. Demand flexibility can be very useful for those production processes that allow it, as well as for the management of assets that present inertia such as batteries, air conditioning systems or cold rooms. 

If you are interested in adding demand response to your energy operations, please contact our team.   

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